徐瑋 - 今年夏天 summer time 徐瑋 - 今年夏天 summer time: RED PACO 紅帽三兄弟 動畫分享 J-WHOOP

2014年3月22日 星期六

RED PACO 紅帽三兄弟 動畫分享 J-WHOOP

RED PACO 紅帽三兄弟 動畫分享  
 平凱文設計  DISIGNER KEVIN PING http://woo11133.blogspot.tw/2014/01/j-whoop-t-red-paco_4990.html

來自英國愛丁堡的RED PACO 紅帽客三兄弟  設計師 平凱文 Kevin Ping

RED PACO 紅帽客家族簡介: RED PACO 紅帽客三兄弟 出生於英國愛丁堡共同嗜好: 旅遊世界各地。紅帽客三兄弟是來自遙遠卡諾瓦星球 Kanova的後代,獵人星系的右上方有一顆黯淡的星星吃力的閃爍著,它正是原本非常美麗的Kanova卡諾瓦星球,300年前大爆炸後目前正處於星球冰河期

1-(中老大RED PACO)1992年出生特徵-紅帽小王子"職業畫家"樂愛創作個性有點小迷糊但記憶力特別好~

2-(右老二JIMMY PACO)1995年出生特徵-神秘獨眼客"偵探"自認為現代福爾摩斯善於觀察他人疑心病重。但非常愛護弟弟JERRY時常注意其周圍安全,暗地保護他。

3-(老三JERRY PACO)1996年出生特徵-戴星星眼鏡HI-POP"饒舌巨星"個性活潑深受各方粉絲歡迎崇拜有一群死忠跟隨者已成立粉絲團擁護他。

FOCUS - from Edinburgh, UK RED PACO Hat off three brothers

RED PACO About Red Hat passenger family: RED PACO Hat off three brothers born in Edinburgh in the UK, co Hobbies: travel around the world.

1 - (the boss RED PACO) 1992 was born. Characteristics - Red Hat Little Prince "professional painter" Le love writing, memory, personality a little confused but particularly good ~.

2 - (R dick JIMMY PACO) 1995 was born. Feature - the mysterious one-eyed guest "detective" Sherlock Holmes thinks modern, good at observing others skeptical to others heavy. But very caring for his brother JERRY, always pay attention to the surrounding security, secretly protect him.

3 - (youngest JERRY PACO) was born in 1996. Characteristics - wearing star glasses HI-POP "Rap Superstar" a lively welcome by fans worship the parties, a group of loyal followers, he has set up a fan group support.

